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Products»EuroProt+»DGEN» E10-GEN Generator protection with automatic synchronizer
84HP wide84HP wide rear side

The E10-GEN is a dedicated generator or generator-transformer block protection and control IED with automatic generator synchronizer feature; the relay provides complex protection, control and monitoring functions for generator/step-up transformer blocks. It is a member of the DGEN (former product type: DTRV) product type in the EuroProt+ product family. The EuroProt+ family complex protection in respect of hardware and software is a modular device. Because of the modular architecture, the modules are assembled and configured according to the user’s requirements; from that point on, the software determines the functions.

The DGEN (former product type: DTRV) type is especially designed for protection and control applications of power transformers and generators including generator-transformer blocks. Additionally the DGEN (former product type: DTRV) product type includes variety of versatile protection functions to meet the user’s the most demanding requirements.

The EuroCAP configuration tool, which is available free of charge, offers a user-friendly and flexible application for protection, control and measurement functions to ensure that the IED-EP+ devices are fully customisable.


  • Native IEC 61850 IED with Edition 2 compatibility
  • Scalable hardware to adapt to different applications
  • 84 HP or 42HP wide rack size (height: 3U)
  • The pre-defined factory configuration can be customized to the user’s specification with the powerful EuroCAP tool
  • Flexible protection and control functionality to meet special customer requirements
  • Advanced HMI functionality via color touchscreen and embedded WEB server, extended measuring, control and monitoring functions
  • User configurable LCD user screens, which can display SLDs (Single Line Diagrams) with switchgear position indication and control as well as measuring values and several types of controllable objects.
  • Various protection setting groups available
  • Enhanced breaker monitoring and control
  • High capacity disturbance recorder (DRE) and event logging:
    • DRE for up to 32 analogue and 64 digital signal channels.
    • Event recorder can store more than 10,000 events.
  • Several mounting methods: Rack; Flush mounting; Semi-flush mounting; Wall mounting; Wall-mounting with terminals; Flush mounting with IP54 rated cover.
  • Wide range of communication protocols:
    • Ethernet-based communication: IEC61850; IEC60870-5-104; DNP3.0 TCP; Modbus TCP
    • Serial communication: DNP3.0; IEC60870-5-101/103; MODBUS, SPA
  • The EuroProt+ family can handle several communication protocols simultaneously.
  • Built-in self-monitoring to detect internal hardware or software errors
  • Different time sources available: NTP server; Minute pulse; Legacy protocol master; IRIG-B000 or IRIG-B12X
84HP wide84HP wide rear side

The E10-GEN is designed to be the main protection and control IED for synchronous power generators or entire generator blocks including the step-up transformer whereas it creates the connection between the block and the network with the automatic synchronizer feature. The relay is member of the DGEN (former product type: DTRV) product type in the EuroProt+ product family.

The E10-GEN relay includes variety of versatile protection functions along with the main differential protection, such as overcurrent, over-/undervoltage, frequency protections. The other main function is the automatic generator synchronizer. The device contains several functions especially made for generator applications as well, e.g. thermal-based negative sequence overcurrent protection, voltage dependent overcurrent, inadvertent energizing protections, loss of excitation, 100% stator earth fault protection, rotor earth fault protection etc. It can be applied as a back-up protection relay for downstream equipment (e.g. feeders, cables etc.).

The E10-GEN generator(block) protection relay can support the double breaker terminals such as breaker and a half, or ring bus topologies. Note that automatic synchronization is available to one bus in this device. To be able to switch between several buses with the synchronizer please use the standalone version of the automatic generator synchronizer (ASZKG of the DAUT type).

The IED includes wide range of control and supervisory functions which provide full control and user defined interlocking schemes for the primary switchgear at the substation.


  • Generator differential protection or block differential protection with two ends
  • Automatic generator synchronizer:
    • Synchrocheck and synchroswitch with output signals for frequency and voltage control
    • User-configurable start/cancel conditions
  • In case of block differential protection:
    • Automatic phase shift and turns ratio compensation of the step-up transformer
    • 2nd and 5th harmonics restraint for transformer inrush and overexcitation detection
  • Protections specifically made for generator applications
    • Voltage dependent overcurrent protections
    • Interturn fault protection for larger generators (current or voltage based, depending on the winding)
    • Loss of excitation protection
    • Pole slipping (out-of-step) protection
    • Rotor earth fault protection for isolated/ungrounded or middle-grounded rotors
  • Different kinds of 95% earth fault protections:
    • Residual overcurrent (can be sensitive depending on the CT)
    • Residual overvoltage
    • Restricted earth fault
  • 100% Stator earth fault protections:
    • 3rd harmonic undervoltage
    • 3rd harmonic differential overvoltage by measuring the residual voltage in the neutral and the terminal point (two operation modes if generator CB is present)
  • Restricted earth-fault protection
  • The implemented protection functions provide back-up protection for downstream equipment (e.g. feeders, cables etc.).
  • Independent trip logic and circuit supervision for each trip circuit (circuit breaker, excitation, turbine valve etc.)
  • Support for the double breaker terminals such as breaker and a half, or ring bus topologies
  • Supervision of current and voltage transformers
  • Programmable interlocking schemes
  • Optional external unit:
    • Remote I/O unit (RIO)
  • Optional transducer I/Os (RTD/mA)
Protection & Control functions

The E10-GEN configuration measures three phase currents from both sides of the generator (or the neutral side of the generator and the HV side of the step-up transformer), the residual current(s), three phase voltages of the generator, residual voltage(s), one line-to-line voltage from the bus. The main protection functions are the generator (block) differential protection, the automatic generator synchronizer, overcurrent, voltage dependent overcurrent, frequency, loss of excitation and earth-fault protection functions. The additional protection functions are available to provide the necessary complexity according to the generator´s protection needs as well as back-up protections for downstream equipment (e.g. feeders, cables etc.).

Protection & control functions IEC ANSI *Inst.
Directional Element function (2.10 systems only) ? ? 1
Differential Protection Function (versions 5 and up on 2.10 systems) 3IdT > 87T 1 op.
Impedance protection with compounded circular characteristic function Z< 21 1
Overexcitation protection function V/Hz 24 1
Automatic generator synchronizer function SYN 25G 1
Synchro check synchro switch function SYNC 25 1
Definite time undervoltage protection function U<, U<< 27 2
Third harmonic undervoltage protection function U3h< 64/27TN 1 op.
Directional residual wattmetric earth-fault protection function Po> 32N 1
Directional overpower protection function P> 32 2
Directional underpower protection function P< 37 1
GGIORTD temperature measurement function 38/49T 4 op.
Loss of excitation protection function (Version 40Q) X< 40Q 2
Loss of excitation protection function (Version 40Z) Z< 40Z 2 op.
Negative sequence overcurrent protection function I2> 46 1
Negative sequence overcurrent protection for generators function I2> 46G 1
Negative sequence definite time overvoltage protection function U2 > 47 1
Line thermal protection function T > 49 1
Breaker failure protection functions CBFP 50BF 1
Three-phase instantaneous overcurrent protection function I >>> 50 2
Residual instantaneous overcurrent protection function Io>>> 50N/50G 2
Generator inadvertent energizing protection function I>>> U< 50V/27AE 1
Three-phase time overcurrent protection function I>, I>> 51 2
Residual overcurrent protection function Io>, Io>> 51N/51G 2
Interturn fault protection function (split phase/current based) Ii> 50SP 1 op.
Voltage dependent overcurrent protection function I> U< 51V 1
Definite time overvoltage protection function U>, U>> 59 2
Residual definite time overvoltage protection function Uo>, Uo>> 59N 2
Residual start-up overvoltage protection function UNs> 59NS 1
Interturn fault protection function (voltage based) Ui> 59I 1 op.
Third harmonic differential overvoltage protection function U3hd> 59TD/64TN 1 op.
Voltage transformer supervision and dead line detection function 60 1
Current unbalance function (CT Supervision) 60 2
Rotor earth fault function and hardware description for isolated rotors 64R 1 op.
Rotor earth fault function and hardware description for middle-grounded rotors 64R 1 op.
Directional three-phase overcurrent protection function I Dir>, I Dir>> 67 2
Directional residual time overcurrent protection function Io Dir>, Io Dir>> 67N/67G 2
Inrush current detection function I2h> 68 1
Pole slipping protection function ΔZ/Δt 78 1
Overfrequency protection function f>, f>> 81O 2
Underfrequency protection function f<, f<< 81U 2
Rate of change of frequency function df/dt 81R 2
Generator differential protection function 3IdG > 87G/87M 1
Restricted earth-fault protection function REF 87N 2 op.
*The INST. column contains the numbers of the pre-configured function blocks in the factory configuration.These numbers may be different in order to meet the user’s requirements.
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